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Equal Opportunities

At the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine we are committed to ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.  As an equal opportunity employer, the School strives to make sure individuals are selected on the basis of their merits and abilities.
As a public body, we recognise our legal responsibilities to promote equal opportunities in our policies, services and in employment.  Therefore, we aim to promote equal opportunities in all aspects of our employment including recruitment and selection, probation, appraisal, staff development, promotion, redundancy, disciplinary and grievance procedures. 
Our commitment extends beyond our legal responsibilities to include equal opportunities and non-discrimination regardless of race (including colour, nationality, citizenship and ethnic background), sex, gender identity, disability, religion or belief (or non affiliation thereof), sexual orientation, age,  marital or parental status, trade union affiliation, socio-economic background and any other immaterial factors.


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